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Kaila Nelson

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I grew up on a farm north of Bellis, Alberta. I went to Smoky Lake school my entire life but have always been active in the Vilna community as both my parents and husband graduated from Vilna school. I live near Ashmont now with my husband, 3 dogs, and 2 cats. I am very excited to be working in Vilna, a community very important to me, and getting to know all of the students and staff. In my spare time I love to shoot archery, do any sort of outdoor activities in Summer or Winter, travel, and go camping. I have been to many different parts of the world including Europe, South Africa, and the United States, and really enjoy being able to use those experiences when getting to know new people. I love being able to connect with children of all ages and make a meaningful relationship with all of my students, and can't wait to meet everyone in the new school year!

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