Work Experience

Work Experience is a for-credit high school program. It allows students to explore a career path they are interested in and to get ahead of the game with valuable skills training.

Students are employed as part of a planned school program under the cooperative supervision of a teacher and employer. Participants gain experience, build marketable job skills and earn high school credits as well.

Vilna School partners with community organizations both in the village of Vilna and in the communities of Saddle Lake and Good Fish Lake to offer students with work experience opportunities:

Students with part-time jobs may also appreciate the opportunity to earn work experience credits through their learning on the job.

Here is a link containing some specific information about the Work Experience Program which has been taken from the Work Experience Handbook as part of the Alberta High School Program of Studies:

Work Experience

On page 2 of this document I have included a course outline of the High School Work Experience Program. 

Here is some contact information for the Vilna High School Work Experience Program:

Nav Atwal
780 636 3062